This blog is now located at so go check it out!
I just found this cool site called It’s actually pretty cool, because it gives insight to various styles of drumming. Now I consider myself to be an intermediate drummer, and to me this site was really helpful. Yes some of it was extremely basic, but if you’re just starting out then there’s no problem there. I personally like the parts about double-bass, and odd timing, because those are some of the things I need to work on. They also give sheet music and have multiple ways to view thier videos. Here’s one of their videos about Songo Drum Beats.

This blog is now located at so go check it out!
YES!! Cobus finally posted some new videos on YouTube! Personallyy I’m not a huge fan of the way it turned out, but it still sounds a lot better than a lot of other drum videos that I’ve seen. Oh yeah and a little tidbit about myself is that I based my set-up on his, and I even have my Supersar Custom in blue mettalic fade. I don’t have the same cymbals though.

This blog is now located at so go check it out!
A new page called “General Drumming Tips” has been added to this site. I found it in the Pearl Drummers Forum and brought it over here. It’s a great list that will probably continue to grow. General Drumming Tips

This blog is now located at so go check it out!
Pearl Visions are going all birch AND all maple (yes I mean 100%)! Pearl has announced the new VBX and VMX Visions, which will be sold along with the birch/basswood VX and VSX models. They are a little bit more expensive than the other models, but as it turns out the other models have dropped in price. I expect to see these drums compete with the Tama Superstars. Oh and on a similar note the Pearl Forum is only about $150  less than the Vision VS,  so get the Vision, not the Forum, it’s worth it.

This blog is now located at so go check it out!
Tama has decided to completely get rid of standard tom sizes, for the Superstars that is. Tama is only making hyperdrive Superstar kits now. If you don’t already know, hyperdrive means that the toms are shallower. Tama says that this makes the toms produce “unparalled punch, blistering attack and rich, full tone.” The smaller toms also make it much easier to position them just the way you like it. Tama also claims that they are easier to tune. To me this sounds pretty good, but I probably won’t run out and buy one right now because I already have a regular Superstar Customs that sound pretty good. Now as it just so happens, a few Tama players have made the switch. Hear what they have to say in the next video. Also, if you’re interested don’t forget to go visit Tama’s site: