
This blog is now located at www.drumzoneblog.com  so go check it out!

This blog is now located at www.drumzoneblog.com so go check it out!
Sorry it’s been so long since my last post, but I’m currently working on shifting this site to my own personal domain… so yeah.

This blog is now located at www.drumzoneblog.com so go check it out!
I just found this cool site called www.freedrumlessons.com. It’s actually pretty cool, because it gives insight to various styles of drumming. Now I consider myself to be an intermediate drummer, and to me this site was really helpful. Yes some of it was extremely basic, but if you’re just starting out then there’s no problem there. I personally like the parts about double-bass, and odd timing, because those are some of the things I need to work on. They also give sheet music and have multiple ways to view thier videos. Here’s one of their videos about Songo Drum Beats.

This blog is now located at www.drumzoneblog.com so go check it out!
YES!! Cobus finally posted some new videos on YouTube! Personallyy I’m not a huge fan of the way it turned out, but it still sounds a lot better than a lot of other drum videos that I’ve seen. Oh yeah and a little tidbit about myself is that I based my set-up on his, and I even have my Supersar Custom in blue mettalic fade. I don’t have the same cymbals though.

This blog is now located at www.drumzoneblog.com so go check it out!
Hey if you were thinking about getting a Reference kit, but waited, your in luck! Pearl is now letting you get the kit in just about every color they offer, because now many new colors are standard, AND you can special order any of Pearl’s other finishes if you dont mind the 3-5 month wait. The references also are getting te options of different hardware colors, such as black, gold, and standard chrome.